The Hogue Connection Welcomes You!

The Hogue Connection seeks cousins! See our latest family tree insights by clicking on the BLOG tab above or the RECENT POSTS section to the right for updates! We don’t just dwell on the Hogues, either. You’ll find many stories about other families and surnames. If you are into genealogy, we hope you can make a connection here with Hogue cousins worldwide and find it entertaining as well.

William M. Hogue and his son, Charles Sherman Hogue

Are you a descendant of the Hogue pioneers William M. Hogue (1823-1886), and his son, Charles Sherman Hogue (1865-1917)? I hope you came to this website searching for more information about them. I’ve been researching our branch of the Hogue family since 1987, and created this blog in hopes of collaborating and sharing important genealogical information of all related Hogues and allied surnames. There is no storefront here, I just want to encourage the free exchange of family info!

Red River Trails Awaits!

You can click here to read Red River Trails, my compiled history of our branch of the Hogue family. It’s a work in progress, but new information posted here will add to that history. It goes back to our original Hogue ancestor John Hogg, who died in Franklin, North Carolina in 1795. This ancestor was discovered through his will, and subsequent DNA research. I’d like more support through family archives of cousins I’ve yet to meet, so make yourself at home, check us out, and drop me a line.

You can also click this link to see my family tree and find out how we might be related.

Click here to read my article about my Native American heritage, an ancestor on my maternal line.

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Thanks for visiting us at The Hogue Connection!