Hey all! Welcome to my associated surname page. These are many of the surnames that have been added to my family tree since I began my research over 35 years ago. I have spent more time researching the Hogue side so far. Hopefully, that will change in the future. Remember that if you go back to your fifth great grandparents, you should about 64 different surnames. I do have a couple of lines that have cousin intermarriage, which reduces that number.
A few branches on the tree come up a bit short, I’m afraid.
I work with the trust, but verify method. Many of the names here still need further verification. The bold italics indicate a main branch surname. These lines go back to my great grandparents. I have concentrated on these surnames more than some of the other affiliated names. I don’t have articles pertaining to many of these, but hope to in the future. I’m always looking for the most entertaining family lore. Please send me an email at with ideas. I’d love to research something you find exciting!
Hogue Family Associated Surnames
Addington | Dinning | Huckabee | Murray |
Allen | Douglas | Ingram | Osborn |
Allred | Duncan | Irvin | Pfenninger |
Ammons | Earle | Jackson | Reeves |
Atwood | England | Jarman | Shumac |
Baker | Farr | Jennings | Spivey |
Barlow | Garland | Johnson | Strickland |
Barnett | Gatewood | Julian | Stroud |
Bates | Gatlin | Kile | Stutts |
Bird | Gower | Larner | Temple |
Blakely | Grantham | Lee | Thompson |
Clayton | Hale | Long | Towser |
Coleman | Harris | Lucas | Tustunnuggee |
Collins | Hawkins | Lusk | West |
Corley | Herrington | Mantooth | Whitaker |
Craig | Hicks | Marshall | White |
Crownover | Higginbottom | Martin | Woodfin |
Davis | Hogue, Hogg | Mashburn | Woodson |
Dawson | Hosey | May | Wright |
Depriest | Howard | McDaniel |
Timmerman Family Associated Surnames
Archibald | McArthur |
Blanchard | Miller |
Boardman | Myers |
Brown | Nevin |
Citerley | Paisley |
Clark | Ray |
Dunlop | Roberts |
Duthie | Segendorf |
Forbes | Smith |
Fry | Stuart |
Graham | Von Voorhes |
Hallam | Warner |
Hammeyer | Winterbotham |
Hyett | Woodside |
Klueter | Wrigley |
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