A new feature on this site will be “In Memory Of”, a timely memorials to special people in our greater family. I’ll start with a feature on my dad, Charles William “Chuck” Hogue.
Charles William “Chuck” Hogue (1937-2003)
Dad was born on 18 Mar 1937, in San Jose, California. His parents, Henry and Faye, lived in San Martin, CA, at the time. He graduated from Gilroy High in 1955, and married my mom, Martha Ann Murray, on 30 Sep 1955. Chuck worked hard most of his life; as most in his generation did. He hustled farm chores and worked at the Sunsweet prune packaging plant. In his early teens, he socked away money to buy the ’34 Ford in the picture above. I never counted how many times he said it, but it was several…”I wish I would have kept that car!”
A Hard Working Man…
He worked two jobs most of the time when we were kids, usually in the paint business. He eventually developed skills enough to become one of the best contractor paint salesmen in the San Francisco Bay Area. Chuck was widely respected for his paint knowledge. He earned a spot as Corporate V.P. for the now defunct Kelly-Moore Paints. Dad once told me, that “I should have written a book about the paint business in the West”.
He and Mom retired to the golf community in Rancho Murieta, CA on 1 Jul 2002. Chuck passed away there 24 Dec 2003. He battlled renal cell carcinoma for two months previously. The cancer was environmental I’m sure. Dad lived and breathed paint and petroleum products for 45 years. We miss him a lot. I’ll do a more thorough biography of him on this site at a later date.
The First “In Memory Of” Wraps Up…
Today, I re-published the bio of William G. Hogue (about 1800 words worth) to the Red River Trails page, including photos of important documents. Look for the next installment sometime next week. Countdown to Rubottom…only 36 days away…I’m looking forward to reporting from there.
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