Hello and welcome back to The Hogue Connection! The gallery below shows the family group record or sheet (referred to as a FGS) of William G. Hogue and the pedigree of my Dad, Charles William “Chuck” Hogue.
Family group sheets are one of the first forms I filled out when I started my research. They are key to getting the information recorded correctly. Pedigrees are useful, as well. They provide a linear representation of a family over time.
Most reliable (well pretty reliable) information is extracted from United States Census reports. This data usually fits right in to a family group sheet. The best details are found in census reports from 1850 or later. Reports before that date only show hash marks representing the age and gender of the family being recorded. Much more detail has been added to successive census reports.
I don’t consider either one of these set in stone; they contain the best information I have to date. I’d love to get some input from other Hogue’s out there. I’m also currently working on a source listing which I will post on a separate page once I get it finished. This will also be a living document. I’ll add to it as more information is sourced. It is very important to not only record family tree information, but to verify it as well. We all have family lore to write down. Let’s make sure we add sources to it where we can.
If you would like to help me “collect cousins”, please send me a copy of your FGS. You can email them to me via this blog at admin@hogueconnect.com.
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