Hogue Connection Update…

Hi and welcome to the last home-based update for about six weeks. As previously noted, we are heading out for a tour of the Southwest, including a stop to the old homeland in Love County, OK April 21st through April 25th.

I’ll be using this space to update our family on the trip and, hopefully all the cousins out there will follow along, too. I’ll post pics and some video (if I can figure that part out) using our laptop along the way. Our trip really begins in Death Valley National Park and moves on to Zion, and the Grand Canyon, before moving on to Oklahoma and Texas. On the way back, we’ll go to Carlsbad, Santa Fe, Mesa Verde National Park, and Moab, Utah, before returning to Oregon via Idaho.

You can check out the spread sheet below to see how many of our ancestors are buried in the Rubottom Cemetery:


Between blog posts, you can read up and stay current on the latest postings to the Red River Trails page. Today, I added a section on the early life of William M. Hogue (we’ll visit his grave site in the Bourland Cemetery near the old ghost town of Belleville), and a bit of history on the Indian Territory and North Texas. I’ll add documents and sources when we get back home, but for now, just read the story.

Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to get news on updates!


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