Hello all-
Thanks so much for following along with Jane and I as we toured the Southwestern United States! I’ll go back to the regular updates now, as I continue to post the remainder of RED RIVER TRAILS here. Today, I posted a section about our family’s survival after the death of Charley Hogue in 1917. Things were difficult for them, and really didn’t improve until they got to California in the early 30’s.
Over the next week or so, I’ll finish up the RED RIVER TRAILS story (as it is written today). After that, I’ll go back and post more pictures, documents, and sources to complete it in more detail. I’ll then start to look at some of the origins and developments of some of our other surname lines, like Gatlin, Larner, Bates, and Gower, to name a few.
I did take some video during our trips to the cemeteries, but haven’t reviewed it yet. I’m not sure it is going to be worthwhile; a video of tombstones? Anyway, I’ll see what comes of it.
Thanks again, and don’t forget to register your email address for updates!
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